
Sustainability reporting includes an organisation’s strategic commitment to sustainable development. It is generally also an organisation’s approach to risk management.

We could help you manage your risk through preparing you for sustainability reporting of your organisation through various methodologies. Sustainability not only help us understand the underlying risk of doing business, but also helps in understanding the resources constraints, stakeholder’s issues and beyond.

Sustainability tools and reporting frameworks could be used to assess the risks an organisation could face in the future.

Sustainability Reporting - CSR, GRI, CDP & Beyond

Sustainable development is utilization of resources for human use while preserving the environment, improving the economy and benefiting the society. A business built and run with sustainability as one of the pillars leads to a sustainable business.

We assist our clients in becoming a responsible business house by addressing the social responsibility on behalf of them. We help them choose the right reporting frameworks from a host of reporting frameworks like CDP, DJSI, GRI, GRESB, SASB to best disclose their sustainability initiatives.

Sustainability Strategy to address cause, resources and stakeholders

A well implemented sustainable strategy will create a positive impact on, the stakeholders, like employees, consumers, suppliers, regulators, communities, Government and Non Government organizations, environment and economy.

We help you in integrating sustainability into your business strategy for improving processes, achieving growth and adding value to your business. Best example of integrating sustainable principles in the way of doing business would be – increasing energy efficiency, developing green products, waste management all of which helps companies capture value through sustainability.

Compliance on sustainability and non-tariff barriers

ESG refers to Environmental, Social and Governance the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an investment. The consideration of environmental, social and governance factors alongside financial factors in the investment decision-making process, have become vital, and screened by investors.

Assisting companies with product stewardship and compliance with product stewardship by suppliers in the value chain.

Providing services tailored to your need to meet domestic and international compliance. India becoming the first country to make Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) compliance mandatory, Business Responsibility Reporting (BRR) and host of global standards on various products like textile, food, wood, furniture. Advising companies on IKEA, Disney, Wal Mart and other such audits.

Social Business, or business with cause

Social enterprises are no more restricted to social cause, innovative business models have come up, with social cause as a driver for these businesses.

Business involving woman empowerment, child education, waste management, recycling, upcyling are changing the way a social enterprise was being looked upon.

We help companies structure their business. The emergence of revenue-generating activities for social enterprises has created a new operating model where business principles, market characteristics and values (competition, diversification, entrepreneurship, innovation, and a focus on the bottom line) co-exist and work with traditional public sector values like responsiveness to community and serving the public interest.